This was a UX project for professor Yvette Shen's data visualization class. I learned a fair bit about the more in-depth processes that go into UX design, especially about how applications should flow and function to better fit how the end-users will interact with them. Below is the final presentation format for this project, followed by process and reflection.

Title card

Mission statement

Initial ideation sketches

Overview of the wireflow and extra pop-ups

User testing results

UI style guide

Screen layouts

More screen layouts
The timeframe of this project was quite short so I sort of dove headfirst into making a very high fidelity layout after just a few sketches (those shown above). The idea for what to make the app about (it was required to motivate positive behavioral change in some way) came through my own experience, as I noticed that I spend very little time outside and have seen this sentiment reflected in others. I decided to make the app very simple as it's only meant to be a catalyst for better life habits. I spent about two days in total developing the user experience, with some key additions from feedback being the achievements page and emphasis towards this idea of positive change.
Overall, this was quite a fun project to do, with little revision actually needing to be done after my initial design of the UI. I took a leap by going straight into development of a hifi prototype but I'm very happy with were I ended up and that I was able to make something that I see as successful in such a limited time. Even through the revisions that were done, I had a good time implementing ideas that were thrown my way while still holding onto the design language I started out with when initially designing the overall layout. This was a good learning experience and definitely helped hone my basic UI skills, I look forward to trying some different styles of UI implementation in the future, as the module style I did here was quite a simple method of development.